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Tim Johnstone


Hometown: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

2024 - present   Associate Professor UCSC

2018 - 2024        Assistant Professor UCSC

2015 - 2018        Post-doc University of Toronto (D. W. Stephan)

2014 - 2015        Post-doc MIT (E. M. Nolan)

2009 - 2014        Ph.D. MIT (S. J. Lippard)

2006 - 2009        B.Sc. McGill University

Associate Provost of Crown College

Faculty Mentor for UCSC Chem Club (ACS Student Chapter)

Faculty Mentor for UCSC oSTEM Chapter


NIH Maximizing Investigators' Research Award (MIRA) (2024)

Beckman Young Investigator (2023)

NSF CAREER Award (2023)

Hellman Fellow (2020)

UCSC Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning/DSS Faculty Fellow (2018)

ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Young Investigator Award (2015)

NSERC Post-Doctoral Fellowship (2015)

Harvard-MIT Cancer Center for Nanotechnology Excellence Award (2011)

MIT Presidential Fellowship (2009)

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John Wenger


Postdoctoral Researcher

Johnstone Lab Member since 2020

B.S. UC San Diego

Ph.D. UC Santa Cruz

Hometown: Capitola, CA

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Alissa Lance-Byrne


Graduate Student

Johnstone Lab Member since 2020

B.A. Cornell University

Hometown: South Orange, NJ


Sophia Hollow


Graduate Student

Johnstone Lab Member since 2021

B.S. UC Santa Cruz

Hometown: San Diego, CA

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Leila Parker


Graduate Student

Johnstone Lab Member since 2021

B.S. Westmont College

Hometown: Santa Barbara, CA

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Addis Getahun


Graduate Student

Johnstone Lab Member since 2022

B.S. UC Santa Cruz

Hometown: Richmond, CA

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Justin Peterson (JP)


Graduate Student

Johnstone Lab Member since 2023

B.S. UC Santa Barbara

Hometown: Watsonville, CA

Madhu Ayyer


Undergraduate Researcher

Johnstone Lab Member since 2023

Hometown: San Jose, CA

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Orion Moore


Undergraduate Researcher

Johnstone Lab Member since 2024

Hometown: Cypress, CA

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Arely Guijarro


Undergraduate Researcher

Johnstone Lab Member since 2024

AS-T Hartnell College

Hometown: Greenfield, CA




Graduate Students

2023 PhD   - Dr. ​Brent Lindquist-Kleissler

2023 PhD   - Dr. Daniel Droege

Undergraduate Students

2022-2024 - Calise Sola

2023           - Meredith Fisher

2023           - Liz Lara (ACCESS)

2022-2023 - Mikayla Joyce Gonzaga

2021-2023 - Viky Villaneuva (MARC)

2022-2023 - Cambell Conour

2022-2023 - Harjot Singh

2022           - Junyi (Adrian) Deng

2021-2022 - Kimiko Rossi

2021-2022 - Vivian Gallego

2022           - Matteo Anicetti (ACCESS)

2022           - Kylie Williams (UC LEADS)

2021-2022 - Robert Jenkins

2022           - Alek Martinez

2019-2021 - Sophie Hollow

2021           - Natalie Hemond (REU)

2021-2022 - Abram Rodriguez (ACCESS)

2019-2021 - Griffin Milligan

2018-2020 - Zachary Davis

2018-2019 - Gabriella Ruiz

2018-2019 - Sakshi Soti

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